Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Fembot Report

I don't really know how to put any fancy dressing on a pathology report, so I will just explain. Because of the size of the tumor, that it is invasive, and there is no lymph node involvement, the cancer is Stage 2A.

Refer to this post for further definitions and links:

Sentinal node biopsy - No tumor identified
Gwen's commentary - Yippee ki-yay! Doctor said he is 95% certain this means NO cancer in my lymph nodes. 

Right breast - Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), grade III, size 3.3 cm tumor in central outer breast, second microscopic (0.28 cm) tumor, necrosis identified, rare focus of lymph-vascular invasion, all other quadrants clear.
Left breast - clear.
Gwen's commentary - based on clinical diagnosis, we knew: IDC, grade III,  size of 2.5 cm. Anatomical diagnosis confirmed the type of cancer is IDC, is larger than we thought, and grade of tumor is III. It also found that the tumor has a Nottingham score of 8 (3+3+2), which is comprised of three characteristics not mentioned anywhere I am looking, which leads to the grade III. A new, additional microscopic tumor had started in the same quadrant and necrosis was evident, which suggests aggressiveness. The cancer was just starting to invade the lymph channels. We got this out JUST IN TIME! 

Quote for today:
"There is absolutely no way that a person who has not had cancer can fully understand the feeling of absolute vulnerability and terrorizing fear that occurs when you hear the diagnosis." ~ J.M., prostrate cancer survivor, from the book Help Me Live

It is exceptionally difficult for me to describe how I feel and to explain how I am acting. In some respects, I feel as if I am going through the motions because people I trust are managing my care. I do not feel _I_ am managing my care. There are questions that John asks that make me think, "Why didn't I think of that?!". I act calm. I feel calm. I am centered. I don't have a a choice. I don't feel like I have the emotional capacity to do much more than be the patient and let whoever needs to take a whack at me. ~ Gwen

Proverbs 3:5-6 
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, 
and he will make your paths straight.

Love the Lord, Lincoln Brewster

I don't care why. I don't need to understand. None of that matters because I TRUST in the Lord with ALL my heart. I do not know what I am supposed to do with _this_. I do know I have two darling children who need to see how to live... how to survive... how to cope. ~ Gwen