Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Cancer Posse

"My posse's gettin' big, and my posse's gettin' bigger" ~ The New Style, Beastie Boys 


It was three weeks from my breast cancer diagnosis to my mastectomy. It all came on so fast I didn't have the capacity to coordinate much other than who the next medical professional was I needed to meet with, and trying not to lose my mind. Today, four and a half months later, much coordination has taken place in order to care for me and my kids. I am astounded and grateful for what people have done for us.

Here is my attempt to give credit where it is due. If I have forgotten you here, I have not forgotten you in my heart. Please remember chemo medicine is eating my brain cells.

Here, is my cancer posse:
  • Private nurse: Marcia
  • Cleaning & laundry: Mom, Marcia, Nicole, Angie, Jeannine, Barb
  • My audience when I sob so hard they can't understand what I am saying (you don't really want to be on this list!): John, Mom, Marcia
  • Mental and emotional support staff: John, Mom, Marcia, Jeannine, James, Nicole, Angie, Mary, Diana, Kristen, Jen, Deb, Susan
  • Chemo assistants: John, Mom, Dad, Marcia
  • Hair and makeup: Jeannine and Angie 
  • Babysitters: Mom, Marcia, Nicole, Monica, Jeff & Annie, John & Jennifer, Angie & Tim 
  • Personal chefs: Tori, Janet, Kim & Kevin, Karen, April, Bruce & Michelle, Michele, Crystal, Austin, Lisa, Ron & Lori, Diana, Jerome & Jamie, Deb, Marge, Kathy, Doug & Tammy, John & Jennifer, Mark & Christi, and many more to come
I used to think helping people was hard, or took too much of my time that I needed for myself. I have learned through everyone that has helped us that folding a basket of laundry and putting it away can make someone feel taken care of. I now know that giving someone a gift card to a simple restaurant can make them feel like it is Christmas. I know that dropping off a hot meal for someone who is exhausted and wouldn't cook healthy for themselves can bring great relief.

My LAST chemotherapy treatment is 3.5 weeks away. Soon after that, I will begin to feel like myself again. I cannot wait until I am better so that I can help others in the same way we have been helped. 

Quotes for today:

"Say yes when nobody asked." ~ Lao proverb

Some people are afraid to ask for help. I used to be. I have learned I need it. I am not Superwoman. I always thought I was. Now I know I am only strong because of all of you who are around me. ~ Gwen

Romans 15:1-2
We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not please ourselves.
Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.

The goal of a Christian is to reflect the life of Jesus in how we live our lives. I have some serious work to do. But so many of you have taught me how to get closer to that goal through your works in my life. For that, I am grateful. ~ Gwen